Saturday, March 8, 2008

Throw & Catch

This one’s a bloggers game and it’s one of those chain things wherein someone passes the buck on to you and you in turn have to keep the tradition going by passing it on to someone else; now that I have been tagged, I need to perform the bloggers liturgy. The great part about the entire ordeal is that people categorically get to read a lot of one’s older posts under predefined headings; at the same time, the tough part is to choose a limited number of posts to be put under respective headings.

So, this is how it goes…
Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 keywords given (family, friends, yourself, your love, and anything you like). Tag 5 other friends to do the same. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better. Don't forget to read the linked posts and leave comments!

Family: Tough one, as I haven’t written anything about my family.

Friends: Happen to write a piece some time back, which is quite educating.
- A startling revelation

Yourself: The toughest to pick from, being a narcissist; as per my friends. Nonetheless, this one is more about my feelings based on some particular situation rather than it being an ode to oneself.
- Trust

Your Love: two completely different posts and I couldn’t leave out any of them.
- Ode to thee- One that i admire
- Her that I love, I wish to be free - even from me

Anything You like: Another tough one as I had scores of posts lined for this one.
- Love, is like magic. But magic is... just an illusion

To keep the ball rolling:
3 people to tag: Musings, Political Animal, Alo
2 new people: Memoirs of a Broken Man, Can of Worms
Hope ya’ll like the posts and keep the tradition going.


Cuckoo said...

I like your eclectic choice of topics to write on.. shall check in more often! Keep Going!

Taz said...

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog Cuckoo. I simply pick and choose all those things from my life that I feel passionately about. It’s a part of my observation which I tend to do a lot.