Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Cuts, scars, bruises, lies and fake laughs.
Fake smiles, constant cries and a horrifying past.
Promises broken, lost loves…
and the “trust me” that didn’t last.

So, what is this entire hubbub about Trust.

I, as an individual, have definitely not been judicious and undoubtedly not Spartan so far, to say the least- the later one almost being a quest by now. Life, for me, has been a constant string of sour decisions with rancid results. If not for a lot of optimism, I would have given up on my future looking at my not so glorious past. Nonetheless, one thing that I have always been particular about, for some strange reason, is trust. Then again I am compelled to say, that like all other things, I hadn’t been heedful when it came to trust, especially with others trust in me; almost never to circumspect at the right time. Time then for the biggest question, “Why bother about it so much?”

People, I have come to believe, are made of forces- internal as well as external. All that we do is a mélange, a potpourri of these forces. Actions influenced by external forces and behavioural pattern related to it marked by internal forces. I know that I have this dark side of me marked by a fiend, which tells me to simply walk away from all the shit and not bother. Not to mention, how debilitating these situations are. There have been times when I have thought to myself that the best thing to do is to perhaps light a cigarette and simply walk away. At times, I do marvel at the thoughts of so easily moving away from situations like these; how the human mind comes up with such wonderful ideas, surprises me for sure. However, something inside stops me from doing so. So, what is it that stops me from doing so; considering the fact that in most of these situations, I have nothing to gain and nothing left to loose.

I do believe in Karma and perhaps it’s my destiny, which makes me stick around or maybe it’s some goodness inside which compels me to say sorry. Whatever it is, but trust, for some reason has been of utmost importance to me, even in hopeless cases.

Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned.”

And so, I have stopped judging, stopped condemning and I try to pardon as much as I can; hoping rather believing that I will be pardoned for my mistakes and my misjudgment. Amen.


Clairvoyant said...

An article again on self loathing.... we youngster should now get out of this habit, the days of Dil Chahta Hai and Rang De Basanti is over now at least for us.
Now we must take on the responsibility and say that, look our step is based on some rationality rather than saying that its just the trust.

Taz said...

First of all thank you for your valuable time and comment, Kamlesh.
The article, for me, is on self realisation rather than self loathing. But at the same time all of us have our own perspective, so never you mind. Also i would like to add that rationality is of supreme importance in Science but when it comes to Humanities, trust comes first with rationality succeeding it.

Anonymous said...

If you say its self realization then you are too late, i would suggest to retrospect every instance and that helps one become complete .

I am being too critical here because i want you to know that whatever you have achieved is not serendipity or by chance. Its your ability and hard work and of course many other peoples inputs.
I love the way you differentiate Science and Humanity but nevertheless trust is one thing which i look to quench the need of rationality. One would say that he rationally made a decision considering the trust he had in other party. So here trust is what one seek, if he is rationale. In the entire article you seem to be clueless this is not good, I repeat this is not good.

Anonymous said...

My friend,it seems these days you are observing and thinking a lot--------but from your heart.Observation n thinking is the job of mind which heart is not capable of doing efficietntly.

If you feel like coming to a conclusion then u shud refer to the upper most part of your body, and in case if u want certain things to just hang around u as it is,then u shud leave it your heart.

Taz said...

Very well said Najam, i believe the time has come when the smoke should clear.
I believe the time has come when haziness should give way to clarity.
I believe the time has come when the heart should give way to the head.
I believe the time has come to draw the curtain, to conclude.