Friday, October 3, 2008


Horoscopes, zodiac: sun sign, Chinese animal signs, tarots, numerology, et cetra. I, for one, have been a person who has never believed in any of it and the thing is that I still don’t. I have always wondered what compels people to go to shrinks and palmists. What is it that people seek with their future being foretold?

None of these things have intrigued me ever; but to be honest I’ve also once gotten a tarot reading done and given a chance I’m quite sure I’d do it again. My reason then was mostly curiosity and to cross-check the authenticity of it. The thing is that I’ve always seen my horoscope and then tried to find faults and loop-holes in it.
That being my reason, I was unable to understand others psyche for the same; until a few months back. For some apparent and not so apparent reasons my life stooped to a new level then. Candidly speaking I had actually hit the bottom of the barrel when it came to my confidence and optimism levels. That was exactly when I started depending on most of these things mentioned above. When I say depend what I actually mean is that absolutely look forward to any and all of it, every single day. In retrospect I think I do understand my dependence then on horoscopes, so much so. I then was on a desperate lookout for change and seeing none I used to refer to horoscopes, to find one. I was actually trying to find a reason to convince myself that things would change. Not that they don’t with time but with no improvement in sight, I was trying to look at my horoscopes, as a harbinger of the much needed change. Which could perhaps give me an inclination about the time when things and situations would be different; bringing with it the relief that I needed.
It’s quite funny how the human mind works, come to think of it. I rarely look at my horoscope these days but I think I do understand now, why a lot of people do so. I’m quite sure that they have their various other reasons too but one things for sure that horoscopes do give us some hope at desperate times.


Mojo said...

"Ummeed par duniya kaayam hai"

Chaitali Patel said...

I have always sat on the fence as far as horoscopes are concerned. I don't think I believe in them, if you know what I mean! :)
But read them whenever I want to take a break.
Hmm... find some to be more accurate than the rest.

Taz said...

True, very true

Haven't I heard that before! :)

Anonymous said...


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This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Unknown said...

if what horoscopes said were true..i would be having decent bank balance by now..coz every weekend it says your bank balance will improve..but none of it happens:(
and also i would have found true love..coz romance is in the air every weekend according horoscope..hehe